My girlfriend and I have been together for two and a half years now. When toward the end we started falling apart. She broke up with me three weeks ago and I've been an emotional wreck ever since. I've done what I know I shouldn't have which is call, cry, beg, etc. She still calls me everyday and tells me she loves me. Well last night I got to reading some of these, "how to get your ex back" blogs and for the most part they all said, "dont' call, beg, cry, or be guiltfull." So last night she said she was comming over. When she got there (even though it killed me) I was very normal. I didn't say anything about the relationship. She attempted to hug me and kiss me to which I reluctantly did back but not like usual. You know kind of a half-assed hug and kiss. She kept staring at me like she was hurting but, I stood my ground and remained completely calm. When I walked her to her car I stood at her door and waited for her to buckle in and then I was just gonna close the door and say bye, but she just kept staring at me and eventually said, "are you gonna stand way over there?" So I came in close , hugged her, and she tried to kiss me but, I kinda let her kiss my cheek. On her way home she kept saying things like, "I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable", and stuff like that. I just basically told her that she asked for space and I was merely doing what she asked. I will say this, it killed me to be that way but I didnt give in. AM I doing the right thing? She has called me a few times this morning but I've kept it at "small talk" . All I know is I want her back, I haven't called her. I let her call me. Is there anything else I should do? Since the brak-up I've lost alot of weight because of being heartbroken and she keeps telling me how good I look and how amazing I am. I just don't get it. HELP, HELP, HELP!