
Rear End Accident.... My Fault?

by  |  earlier

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I was at an intersection, at a stop light when car 1 was in front of me, we can't turn right on red. For some reason car 1 goes to take off, I start to move forward (low speed) and he slams on his brakes, and my car goes a little under his car and he gets out, says sorry right away, and said he thought the light was going to turn green and that is why he started to take off, then suddenly slams on his brakes and I wasn't able to avoid it. I do live in Wisconsin..... any suggestions?




  1. You're at fault... Once your vehicle is repaired, you'll need to pay before you get drive your car away from the body shop. If you're going through insurance, you'll have to pay your deductible to the shop when the repairs are complete.

  2. Your fault, sorry.

    You failed to allow for Minimum Safe Distance.

  3. You are responsable here

  4. Anytime you hit someone from behind it's your fault regaurdless of how it happens.

  5. You are at fault. You have to keep your eye on traffic in front of you all the time and never make assumptions because eventually you will assume wrong like this time. It's easy to do.

    Your insurance is responsible for all damages but you will have to pay the deductible to get you car fixed.

  6. You must keep your car under control at all times. You hit him. You are at fault and liable for any and all damages to both vehicles.


  7. It is your fault.  You never move unless it is clear, and you are responsible for ensuring there is enough space in front of you to allow safe stopping.  That is the case in every state, every province, every country.  Yes, made the first mistake, and error in judgement, but stopped safely.  You made the second mistake, and failed to stop safely.  If you had left an appropriate distance, you could have avoided it.

  8. since you hit him, yes you are at fault. especially since you were both stopped at the light. the only way you would not have been at fault when rear ending someone is if the person you hit had cut you off and the slammed on the brakes, and even then you would need serious evidence and witnesses in your favor.

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