
Rear Fender Sliced Part Of Tire.?

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I was off-roading earlier today and went I hit a large hole my suspension bottomed out. I didn't think anything of it until i got home and noticed my fender was smashed up and my rear pass. side tire looked like the fender sliced it perfectly around. What I'm wondering is if it's still ok to drive with this tire. The tire is a Sport King 31x10.50x15 AT. It look like the fender sliced through the blocks in the tread and on a few places a little deeper, but for the most part is just went through the tread. I just want to make sure the tire won't blow out next time i go on the freeway or anything.




  1. should be ok to drive.

  2. As long as it's only in the tread and did not go any deeper than the depth of the tread you should be fine.  

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