
Rear ended... Insurance?

by  |  earlier

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I rear ended someone today, with very minor damage to their car. There are small paint scratches and a tiny crack in the rear bumper... damage about $300. How much will my insurance pay for this if I have full coverage? Will my rates go up for something so small as this? :(




  1. You might want to consider just paying cash. It is not worth the insurance rate hike to report the claim.

  2. if you're under 23 or so you should just pay it out of pocket and maybe your insurance wont go up.

  3. yes yes yes it will go up quick too!!!

  4. Your insurance MAY go up but it is not written in stone.  If it does go up, I can't believe it will be anywhere near $300.00.  I am a firm believer in using the protection you paid good money for.  Why even have insurance if you don't/won't use it ?   The other thing to remember is, the person you rear ended could in a few days or a week, suddenly have back pains.  Not claiming this, in my humble opinion would not be wise.

  5. your rates will go up. just pay the damage. if you cant afford it then put it on your credit card and pay it slowly. insurence will go up its not worth it.

  6. If you are making the claim on your own policy, your insurance will cover whatever costs there are after  your deductible is applied.

    So if your deductible is $500 (which most people seem to have) and the damage is only $300, then the insurance will not cover. You would have to pay the $300.

    However, if it turns out after you bring the car in they find more damage and it ends up being more than $500. You pay the $500 and your insurance will pick up the rest.

    Hope this helps

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