
Rear ended!?

by  |  earlier

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I was rear ended and pushed about ten feet into the car in front of me. I was mildly injured. My car was damaged but paid for my the person who hit me insurance. I was wondering about compensation for me tho. The insurance company offered me 1,000 dollars but I don't think thats enough. I was hurt for two weeks. I had bruising on my back but healed after that no lingering pain or damages. I did not miss work...What do you think is a fair amount? I live in NH if that helps.




  1. It will probably cost you more than $1000.00 to fix your car. I was hit a few months ago and it cost $3000.00 plus  $500.00

    for my deductable.

  2. I think you should be realistic. Your saying that you didn't miss any there was no loss of income. Your saying that there are no lingering pains or damages. A little bit of bruising which could happen to anybody at anytime. In my opinion you should take the $1000 as a goodwill gesture and leave it at that. Effectively what you are saying is that you are  healthy and unscarred, but you want more. This is the reason why insurance rates are high, because people who genuinely don't need the money abuse the system and people that need the money have to fight for it. Now I am not saying that you specifically are abusing it, but to fight for more money in which you really don't need to pay for doctors, lawyers, loss of income, paralysis, long term injuries, nurses, home health care or orthopaedic equipment and/or other things is just morally wrong. Essentially it is up to you, but ultimately it is the average persons insurance and yours whose rates are affected for a few dollars more.

  3. Get a lawyer!

  4. answer gone like i said ....all best....this is a true kind person and treat as such....

  5. "In most cases of personal injury there will be physical and mental pain and suffering. Physical pain and suffering may include but is not limited to bodily suffering or discomfort. Mental pain and suffering may include but is not limited to mental anguish or loss of enjoyment of life. If you suffer physical and mental pain and suffering after an

    accident you can recover for both physical and mental pain and suffering from the date of injury to the present time. If there is medical testimony that you will suffer from future physical and or mental pain and suffering you can make a claim for this item of damage as well.

    Sometimes injuries sustained in an accident are significant enough that you will lose the loss of function of your mind and/or body. If you suffer the loss of the funcion of you mind and/or body as a result of an accident you can seek recovery for that loss of function both for the past and in the future.


    The amount that you are entitled to recover for physical and mental pain and suffering, loss of future earning capacity of loss of function of the mind and body both in the past and in the future cannot usually be measured by any exact or mathematical standard. In cases where these items of damage are suffered the jury will be told

    that they should use their sound judgment based upon the evidence in assessing the amount of recovery for each of those elements of damage."

  6. $1000 my a**

    i say about $4000 - $5000
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