
Rear wheel drive in the winter?

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hi, i wanted to know what experience you have had with driving a rear wheel drive car in the winter, and what you have done to make your ride more safer and better. i live in central ny and may get a bmw rear wheel drive, i would like to know what you can do to have the best positive effect. please only answer if you have had experience with something like this




  1. I've lived in Massachusetts for most of my life and have owned several BMWs.  As long as you have the right tires, drive reasonably, leave the DSC on and it isn't a repeat of the Blizzard of '78 you should be fine.  Those are very well balanced, well engineered cars and the traction control works wonders.  Or you could always buy an xi AWD model and pull straight out of your driveway without having to shovel first :D

  2. The reason front wheel drive cars handle so much better in the snow is simply because there is more weight above the front tires which provides better traction. Were a RWD might spin a FWD will get a better grip from the weight.

    As already suggested its wise to add weight to the trunk which will increase traction and result in less spinning. If you use sand bags in the trunk for weight then you can cut these open and use the sand itself to get yourself out should you become stuck!

  3. I live in Pittsburgh, PA and a rear wheel drive car is the worst kind of car you can have in an area where the winters can be harsh.  The only thing I did with my rear wheel drive was weight the back end.  But a lot of times that didn't help much.  So, your best bet would be to not purchase a car that you really couldn't drive too much in harsh winters.

  4. Get some extra rims with winter tires. Winter tires perform well when the temperatures drop, the tire compound stays pliable, the new winter tire technology will make your BMW handle the winter better than you expect.

  5. I drive an s2k in the winter. Fine with me i only go up to 2nd gear maybe 3rd never more. As long as you drive SLOW that's the only thing you have to keep in mind. Since your thinking about getting a beamer i would think you would drive slow in the winter cause the car is so precious's the same mentallity i have for mine.

  6. Rear wheel drive cars are easier to handle, just turn the way you are sliding, you can't do that with a front wheel drive. Besides, BMW cars, depending on the model and the make, should have a posit traction rear end. Buy snow tires, studs if legal in NY and go slow, you should be fine. I live in VA, and we get ice and snow, and my truck is RWD and just a 2WD. I do fine. Be safe, good luck, God Bless.

  7. It's not ideal I must say but the only thing you can do make the driving safer is to put something heavy in the trunk, in order to get more grip from the rear tires. I would use bags of salt or sand, but it was far from being a luxury car though.  

  8. Put extra weight on the back (like sandbags), buy snow tires on all 4 wheels, and take it real easy on slippery days.

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