
Reason For B2 Tourist Visa?

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My girlfriend knows nobody in the U.S. except me and my parents. Can she say that we are going to cover her expenses and give her a tour of the U.S. or will they question how we know each other and think it is suspicious. Should she say I am a friend??? How can she explain her reasons for touring and how she knows my family and I???? And will this work?




  1. She should tell the truth.  We know when people are lying to us.  The more open and honest she is about your relationship and her plans, the more likely she will get the visa.

    Also, if you and she already understand the fiancee visa process and she can easily and coherently explain why you have decided to not go that route yet, she will make an excellent impression on the consul.

  2. There is no problem with people coming to visit friends/boyfriends.  You should definitely be honest.  You may need to send a detailed letter though to show how long she'll be in the US, where you're planning to go, and a confirmation that you'll be paying for things since the money is always brought up in interviews.

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