
Reason and Intuition?

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  1. "Intuition: (Lat. intuere, to look at) The direct and immediate apprehension by a knowing subject of itself, of its conscious states, of other minds, of an external world, of universals, of values or of rational truths." Dictionary of Philosophy

    There are two kinds of intuition: that which is supposed as mystic, god-given, revelatory; and that which is "psycho-epistemological."

    "Psycho-epistemology is the study of man’s cognitive processes from the aspect of the interaction between the conscious mind and the automatic functions of the subconscious." Ayn Rand

    "Psycho-epistemology,” [ ] pertains not to the content of a man’s ideas, but to his method of awareness, i.e., the method by which his mind habitually deals with its content."

    Leonard Peikoff,

    editor’s footnote to Ayn Rand’s “The Missing Link,”

    Philosophy: Who Needs It, 39.

    The "content" of intuition is from the sub-conscious. If it was in the fore-consciousness, it would be a conclusion one came to by the method of laying out the facts syllogistically, validating each syllogism and insuring its "soundness," before coming to the final conclusion. Some sets of syllogism fill entire books or theses, beginning from the first premise of an assumed truth, to the last conclusion no matter how long that line of logic may be.

    The sub-conscious does it automatically, but automatic does not mean it is correct. That "direct and immediate apprehension" may not be valid, let alone sound.

    Nevertheless, it is within the definition of a psycho-epistemological intuition. The sub-conscious used the faculty of reason to make its conclusion, but reason is not rational until it has been proved valid and sound--by a CONSCIOUS process of reason.

    The sub-conscious intuition is a wonderful apparition of life; but it is not fool proof any more than the conscious use of reason is fool proof--lack of data or a simple mistake of logic may cause "unsound" or "invalid" conclusions. Man's logic is not infallible. We attribute infallibility only to the gods.

  2. I believe that intuition and reason must be a cooperative modus operandi. Peace!

  3. why not use both Intuition is reason based on experience, so don't discount one just because it can not be explained first.

  4. Off course Intuition!

    Because reasoning is limited to mind and not the soul. Remember that Mind and Matter of this physical universe is not the ultimate truth. There does exists something beyond these!

    The decision that the heart takes is therefore more valuable than the decision of mind even though it doesn't has any direct gain at the specific moment.
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