
Reason for US failure in Vietnam War?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They werent superior forces, they just knew how to fight in there own country. It's like if u had a burglar in your house that was blind folded and u were wide eyed holding a 12 gauge. We lost because we were "superior" or so we thought haha. Rolling Thunder was ineffective because they VC's were way underground. In reality we probably killed more innocent civilians in that bombing than we killed VC's. The rest i do agree with though :)

  2. In a nutshell
    *Tactical falure
    -Rolling Thunder, ineffective
    -Superior viet cong forces supplied by the Soviets and China
    -Usa troops Not trained to fight insurgant forces (ambush)
    -Communist Infiltration of the south

    *Opinion at home
    -American society changing
    -Telivised war, horrors of war including Tet
    -Media giving false claims of victory, untrustworthy
    -Luther King Speach on vietnam and black americans in vietnam
    -Protest (hippie and general) movement of people
    -Kent state massacre angered many against Nixon

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