
Reason for increase in global warming and suggest means to curb it?

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Reason for increase in global warming and suggest means to curb it?




  1. THere is no increase in Global Warming.There is no such thing as Global Warming, keep living the life you are, if you want to recycle and do all the quirky things the scientists and politicians want you to, then that is your right. I drink my coffee out of Styrofoam cups, throw them out the window when done, drive a car with a hole in the exhaust, and use plastic bags at the grocery store, and use aerosol cans everyday.

  2. Keep in mind that so-called climate scientists are using flawed surface temperature data.  The data has been and is now showing  false warming temperatures.  The data collection instruments need to be fixed.

    Bad data = Bad science

  3. hi

    ya ofcourse we can do a lot so dat v dnt have to face this problem ......its never too late......

    stop the wastage of water

    stop d use of plastic bags 4 instead v can use paper bags its is easily disposed

    less use of vehicles to cover short distances prefer walking it vud keep ur health well too n control pollution

    growing more plants n

    read the plans of reproduction i think 1 child is enough girl or guy doesnt really matter

    n widespread of environmental education

    they vud surely halp controlling global warming

    so take ur step todae n rest will follow

  4. release of co2 into the curb it stop releasing co2 in excess like burning

  5. Dov't waste your time! You'd be better off (if you need to "worry") worrying about the next World War and the rise of communist China and its build-up of arms in preparation for it. For anyone to think that man can either save or destroy this planet is by controlling the temperature (as if we can control it! Pffft!)  is overthinking man's power and abilities. This planet did fine without us for millions of years before us and doesn't need our help to make it the next billion years.

  6. No there is nothing you can do because man made global warming is not real , the earth is going through a natural warming cycle and there is nothing man can do about it.

  7. The leprechauns- they come from our flatulence and ride along a rainbow into the sky where they turn on little lightbulbs which warm the earth.

    To stop global warming, you must stop farting.

  8. people like you should spend more money on carbon credits

  9. Well a recent report suggested that we needed to spend 50 TRILLION dollars to reduce CO2 emissions by (only) 50%-- this will never happen--- it would bankrupt the entire world. So the MEANS to fix it (if it actually exists) is beyond the combined resources of the Earth.

    I will say it again--- show me the satellite data for another 25 years so we have a 40-50 year SAT trend. Ground station temp data is very suspect.

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