
Reason for not growing when working out?

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If you work out hard, lift hard that you can only do about 7-8 reps on each set and you eat alot, what can be some reasons for not growing as fast as you should be? Can it be not enough protein if you only take in about 180 grams-200 grams a day and you weigh about 190?




  1. it varies form person to person in muscle gain.

    especially on your body type

    ectomorph (very skinny hard to gain muscle and fat)

    endomorph (quite fat hard to loose fat ok to gain muscle)

    mesomorph ( well built hard to gain fat easy to gain muscle)

    no it would be more to do with lack of calories than protein looking at what your eating

  2. Working out *does not* stunt growth in any way.  It might actually help it.

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