
Reasonable curfew??? PLZ ANSWER!?

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im a 17 year old girl and ive been driving with a permit since i was 15. i have never in my life had a curfew but since i got my license my mom made my curfew 11:30pm. all my other friends either have curfews of 1am or no curfew at all. she makes me call her constantly so she knows im safe and i always call her. i asked her if i could have a later curfew and she said "no because all the bars close at 1am so thats when all the drunks are on the road"...

im a very safe driver so i dont know why she wont trust me. i mean im a senior in highschool and im gonna be 18 YEARS OLD in february!!! i am practically an adult and i just want to hang out with my friends...i do drink and stuff but she doesnt know that and when i drink i NEVER EVER EVER EVER drive... i mean there are drunk drivers on the road at all hours of the day, not just at 1am.

do you think this is fair???




  1. I think they want to keep you safe because u dont live in the safest city.

  2. Maybe 12, but deff not 1, your parents are keeping you safe.

    That is my 17 year old sister curfew

  3. My curfew was 10pm during the week and 12am on weekends.  I had to call my mom everytime I got somewhere and when I left.  If I was going to be at someones house with an adult there she would let me stay out later or my mom would let my friends come hang out at our house.  She just didn't like us on the road late.  Being that you live in St. Louise it sounds like your mom is making a good choice.  I'm 21 and have lived in the same small country town since I was 3.

  4. I'm 17 and my curfew is 11. Feel lucky that it isn't earlier. I think it is fair. She doesn't want you getting hurt and just because the other parents have the curfews so late doesn't mean yours should.

  5. ask for a 12:30am curfew.

    reason with her, and if you want a later one, try talking to her and seeing if you could be at a friends house or something.

    she is only trying to protect you, you know.

    but you should be lucky, in florida if you have a permit[and you have to have one for a year at that] you have to have a licensed driver 21 and up with you at all times.

    which sucks -- for my sister. xD

  6. I never had a curfew but I think that this is unfair. I really think you should tell your mom how your feeling, sit her down and really talk, talk about how your almost 18 and when your 18 your an adult, you can do whatever. you know at 17 your considered an adult and can move out, because i did. So i think that if your a safe driver and YOU DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE then you'll be alright. never drink and drive though ever!, I hate drunk drivers! It will work out just talk to her. and maybe she worries a lot because maybe something happened in her past that shes scared could happen to you, who knows.

  7. As someone else are ready said, it's not your driving, but it's more likely that there will be drunk drivers that late out. It may not be your faulkt, but you are more likely to get hit by one. (My aunt was killed because of a drunk driver).

    I would be happy that atleast your parents gave you a car or let you use theirs. Remember that there are teens who don't even have a vehicle to drive where ever they want. They are stuck at home or having their parents drop them off.

  8. 10pm (any later than that and, I believe, law enforcement can bust you if they like). Since you're under 18, your parent is still responsible for you and your actions. And I'm gonna assume you're still living with her, so you've gotta abide by her rules. It won't help your case any if she finds out your drinking as well - another illegal thing to do. Not only do I think your mom is fair on setting your curfew, but you're also lucky.

    When you're 18, however, you're accountable for your own actions and resulting consequences; at that point you can stay out however late you wish and mom can't do a darn thing. And yes, your parents no longer have a legal obligation to take care of you, so if they want to give you the boot, that would be unfortunate. . .

    Just remember, turning 18 doesn't make you mature or even responsible - just accountable for adult decisions.

  9. In Massachusetts people under the age of 18 aren't allowed to drive past midnight (until 5am.)

    I'm 21 now but when I was 17 I started receiving a curfew and likewise, I had to call and check in every so often.

    My advice to you is show your parents that you're maturing and offer a compromise if you think that 11:30 is too early. Suggest midnight. That way you will be off the road before the sloppy drunks get on the road and you will also be able to hang out with your friends a little longer. However, don't fight about your curfew for the next few weeks or so... show your mother that you respect her wishes for you to be home at 11:30 and then offer the compromise.

    Like I said though, don't push her buttons and suggest an hour and a half leniency (1am)... it will only irritate her and then she'll stand firm with 11:30.

  10. I think 11 is very fair. What is a 17 year old going to do at 1am? And whining about your curfew isn't helping you prove that you are "almost and adult" Stop whining.

  11. She's not worried that you're as bad driver. She knows you're a great driver. But it's the drunken people on the road that she's worried about. Even the best driver can't avoid a collision if there's some idiot drunk driver on the road. My friend's sister was killed at 1:30 am by a drunk driver who was driving home from a bar. I think it's pretty reasonable, especially if you're going to be driving through an area with a lot of bars, like a big city downtown area.

  12. When I was 17 my curfew was midnight and I live in the country where its "safe". There are still murders and robberies out in the country - just not as many since there aren't as many people living so close together. So 11:30 is a reasonable curfew. Once you turn 18 then talk to your parents about extending your curfew. (and don't go "when i'm 18 i can stay out as late as i want because i'm an adult" ... chances are you'll still be living with them)

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