
Reasonable length for an essay for 8th grade. My son has been assigned an 8 page/2000word essay.?

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My son was assigned an essay that encompasses 8 pages. Does a normal 8th grader have the ability to carry a paper of that length? I need a reference somewhere, not just opinions. This is not part of an academic exercise, it is a Boy Scout Assignment that seems unreasonable. A reference to an educational standard or study of some type would help.




  1. is the essay supposed to be double spaced?

    i am an incoming sophomore in HS and i have been taking honors english since the 7th grade, and NEVER have i had to write an essay this long unless it was double spaced.

    if the essay req. is  2000 words, it should amount to about 6-7 pages in times/roman 12, 2003 word style. with proper spacing this could easily add another page.

    good luck.  

  2. im going to 6th grade and i could do double that (maybe) but you should help him

  3. Unless he has massive handwriting, 2000 words isn't anywhere near 8 pages. That would only be 250 words per page.'s a Boy Scout assignment? Then it's voluntary, presumably to get a badge. Scout badges are not supposed to be given because you show up, they are for achievement. Writing a 2000 word essay for a 13-14 year old is a decent achievement, I'd say. It's not a gimme which everyone his age will be able to do, but it's not supposed to be.

  4. That is not a difficult essay at all.  I was doing more difficult ones in an earlier grade, and that was 25 years ago.

  5. im in 8th grade and last year i had to write a 25 page essay 2 pass 7th grade lit. this is nothing!!!! how long does he have to write it. bc that is the real q.i had 2 1/2 weeks 4 a 25 page essay.that would b a little un reasonable it they just gave him 1 or 2 days. but unless thats the case he got off easy.

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