I know I let the problem go on too long, but I am married to a good man who would probably saw his right arm off for me if I asked him to. Since he started working out of the home several years ago, however, he has been seriously letting himself go. He hasn't had a problem with sitting around the house wearing the same pants he's worked outside in for the past week, he doesn't brush his teeth regularly, and even the kid wants to know why daddy doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom. I've dropped hint after hint, and finally threw a fit this weekend. After a raft of excuses, he admits none of this is new and promises to turn over a newly washed leaf. Then last night he helps me put things away, his breath knocks me over and he explains that he forgot... and I don't even know how to address the fact that sitting around in your boxers after dinner with dog breath is NOT the improvement that I had in mind!
What am I going to do? I can't stand for him to get close to me any more, and I am depressed, frustrated (yes, like that!), and angry.
How do you make a man understand something like this?
I've spent the past couple of months getting him out of the house and around more people: going to church, volunteering at an outreach activity, etc., and he started taking meds for depression a couple of months ago because his doctor and I both insisted that there was a problem there.
He wasn't like this when we met or for the first five years or so of our marriage - he was very neat and well-groomed, but now it's like he's reverted back to some sort of barbarian boyhood where it's okay to eat without washing your hands after the dog has been l*****g all over you.
What am I supposed to do? He's starting to make other men look really good, and I hate that.