
Reasons To Play Guitar?

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Reasons To Play Guitar?




  1. I agree with fudge_mutt... if you need to ask that question, the guitar isn't for you.

  2. So that people who play guitar get out of the limo with their bands and laugh at people who dont know why to play guitar

  3. Because its fun to laugh at people who cant play.

  4. because you get into it. if you're not going to commit, quit.

  5. 1 its gonna make you more popular

    2 take away stress buy playing a solo

    3 girls

    4 fame

    5 a passion

    6 entertainment

    7 easy money $100 a gig SO $100 every week (super big  


    8 get a band

    9 a reason to get out of your home

    10 be able to make a real song

    11 get a life

    12 somthing to do

  6. Dude, if you need someone to give you a reason then you shouldn't play.

  7. Sometimes Guitar is the only skill you need to pick up a lady. It's easier to carry than a piano and doesn't have to be played so loud that it restricts you to outside like wind instruments. Remember, nearly everyone claims to play the guitar but how many do you know that plays piano or a Viola? It's a very popular instrument so you'll be competing with a lot of people.

  8. All the chicks!!!

  9. The guitar is a really versitale instrument. Like the piano, you can play all kinds of music on it. The leg-up it has on the piano is that it's portable...a piano would be a little harder to take to a cookout.

    Also, the guitar is a fun instrument to play. Learning and conquering new chords is challenging, but it's well worth it since every new chord you learn opens a whole new realm of music (or so it seems).

    If you can't decide to start or not, try it out. Borrow someone's old guitar or buy an inexpensive one of your own and look through some books. See how it feels changing from a C to a G to an E-Minor. You might find you love it, or maybe it's not your cup of tea.

  10. the guitar, in my experiences is the most versatile instrument. Piano is OK in it's versitality, but not even close. you can't bend the notes, use a whammy bar, use harmonics, use palm muting, or overdrive on a piano. guitar has great range and VERY customizable sound. it's kind of tough to learn though

  11. Ladies like it when you play guitar!

    It is an awsome instrument there is so much you can do and play many songs.

    Believe me learn and you will love it

  12. You need reasons? The only reason is that you want it! Someone who wants to play guitar doesn't need any ******* reasons! So forget it! DON'T PLAY! World really doesn't need another childish poser who would suck bad. If you want to get into girls' pants, do it other way, pretending to be a guitarist is ridiculous. It fools no one. Cheers.

  13. You've got to have your own reasons to play.  Otherwise, don't.  If you have to ask - maybe you should try another instrument.

    For those of us that love the guitar, there are way too many reasons for playing to list here.

  14. because its F-ing sweet, and really fun. (-;

  15. its fun

  16. Because it makes your fingers soar and painful.

  17. I agree with the others when they say you shouldn't ask others for your own reasons, but I will honestly and truthfully give you my reasons for playing.

    Reason 1- Fame. My goal isn't necessarily to be completely famous, but if I was making some money off of my guitar and people in my area (as in total strangers) knew who I was, that would be pretty sweet.

    Reason 2- Fun. My guitar is my favorite thing in the universe. When I'm sad, I play. When I'm mad, I play. When I'm happy, I play. You can play it pretty much anytime anywhere. Its awesome. I pour my heart and soul into that thing, and in return I can find a light in the darkest cave, so to speak.

    Reason 3- Girls. Dude. I know thats a little sexist, and if you are a female guitarist I guess you really don't want to attract girls... unless... and I guess guys like that too if you're a girl or just... that way, but seriously. Girls. Love. Musicians. I will replay a conversation I had in Math class with this girl in my class who is my best friend but who I am so F***IN in love with.

    Me- "Hey _____, I'm bored."

    _____- "Yea, me too... I should listen to my iPod. I got some awesome guitar solos in there."

    Me- "Nice... hey, did you know I play guitar?"

    _____- *freezes* "Really?"

    Me- "Yea! I'm not very good, but I love it."

    _____- "Thats pretty sweet. You should play me a song on my birthday."

    Me- "Mmk sure."

    *end conversation*

    Seriously, honest to God, that is what happened, no lies. Ilove my guitar for so many reasons, and the most is if it can find me love, then... YESSSS!!!

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