
Reasons for and against cosmetic ANIMAL TESTING

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I need reasons for the use of animals in the cosmetics industry for a school project. I have plenty of reasons why people are against testing on animals for shampoo, make-up, sun lotion etc (more arguments against would be accepted too).

But I am mainly looking for reasons why people support it.

Help me out please?!




  1. well you wouldnt have all those lovely prostitute red lipsticks without animals

  2. I DONT support it, but the people who do use the same reasons as medical animal testing...   They need to know if it will have an adverse reaction before they test it on humans.  No one is going to advocate pouring shampoo into a humans eyes while waiting to see if it will make them go blind.

  3. Hear is one reason

    Many cosmetics and other agents that we put on our bodies for one reason or another contain various types of organic chemicals that CAN cause cancer, Even sunscreen, which is SUPPOSE to protect use from skin cancer can actually CAUSE cancer. If you goes to this website you can see a list of various compounds found in common cosmetics that are associated with cancer.

    Also, we NEED to know what happens if one was to ingest, inhale, or splash the product into the eye, what will happen, ACUTELY and after LONG TERM, CHRONIC exposure to the product.

    Another important reason to use animal is to establish the lethal dose, defined as LD50, this is the minimum dose of a particular agent required to kill 50% of the test animal involved, although it IS specie specific, it can be extrapolated to humans from animal models

    It is often impossible to predict these health risks without doing intense animal experimentation, or would you rather VOLUNTEER for the test, without knowing any of the acute and chronic health affects? I sure wouldn't. How can you put something on or into your body without first having at least some knowledge of its potential health effects?

  4. For me the strongest reason against this sort of testing is the benefit versus pain dilemma.  In drug testing, it's easier to justify causing harm to animals in the interest of saving lives.  Cosmetics save no lives, they're merely put on for aesthetic purposes.  There is no large benefit gained in having them and thus no real justification for seeing how much lipstick jammed into the eye of a rabbit it takes to make the rabbit blind.  

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