
Reasons for why I shouldn´t be sad, tense and stressed about someones dead everytime???

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Not only for friends and loved ones but also for life stangers.

It´ll will never be the same, things can´t be change but how can I feel better and dont be sad??




  1. Even though you might not understand everything about life and why people are taken from us, the great truth is that LIFE GOES ON. There is no 'death' but only a change from the dense physical form into a finer form, known as the astral or ethereal body. This means you'll get to meet your loved ones again when you've made the 'transition'.

    Trust in God and His Wisdom because you are here for a purpose, to live and to experience and grow into a more spiritual being. So, take one step at a time and try to see the bigger picture before us.

    Meanwhile, find some of your favourite music and spend quiet times with your thoughts, do some sorting out mentally, plus look into starting some projects that you like to do. What are your hobbies? When you can achieve anything worthwhile you'll find more meaning to your life. Be up and doing!

    ;- )

  2. Trust God.  He's in control.  John 3:16

  3. just think,theyre probably happier in heaven,and maybe theyre watching over you.i know how you feel my grandma died this year and i was so upset

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