
Reasons that women have s*x, despite seemingly not wanting to?

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Young women typically seem very reluctant to have s*x, especially for their first time. So if they really don’t want to do it, what are some of the reasons that they end up having s*x for (for their first time or any time even)?




  1. Obligation, or they think they are being kind.

  2. Love or desire or a mixture of the 2.

  3. Some do it out of love or infatuation

    Others do it to be cool

    I've heard of some girls having s*x just to lose their virginity

    Some are curious


    After their first time or two I guess it feels good and some get addicted, that applies to anyone really =/

  4. Young women who have s*x, do it because they want to. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. If they seemingly or really didn't want to, that means they were probably forced to have it, which is rape.

    First timers to s*x may be shy, or nervous, but if they choose to do it, no matter how nervous they seem to be, the underlined core cause of why they choose to have s*x is because of the natural animalistic desire to mate. Yes peer-pressure, curiosity, and other smaller factors play some role, however those factors don't matter unless their is a underlining force driving the desire, which is the natural desire to have s*x.

  5. This may sound sick, but I did it just because I wanted to get it over with!  And, was just curious as to what the big deal was.

  6. I think a big reason is because so many women (children and teens) are sexually abused, (experts say 1 in 4 women are sexually abused at one time or another) I know that typically when it happens to children, teens and women in there 20's they tend to become overly active, i'm not sure why they do but it's normal for someone who's been raped to have many, many, many sexual partners.

  7. They are in love. They feel a social pressure to conform.  

  8. Peer pressure and they have no experience so they are scared to do it.  They may feel that it's expected of them to have s*x.

  9. 1st time.... Peer pressure and because theyt hink they're in love

    Any other time.... Peer Pressure and they dont want to let their b/f's/ hubby's down....

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