
Reasons the lion is endangered.?

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why& how lion is endangered?




  1. The lion (Panthera leo) are endangerd for several reasons.  Number one, habitat loss (prey is driven out, therefore they are driven out).  Continuing with that, many can't find suitable prey and therefore have to catch cattle.  Then, farmers kill them to protect the cattle.  All because of habitat loss.  Often they are hunted, so they don't find good mates, which gives them the option of inbreeding.  The Asiatic lion (P.l.persica) lives nearly entirely in India and is down to a small population in the Gir forest.  The Barbary lion (P.l.leo) was overly hunted and is now extinct in the wild, although captives may still exist.  That is how they're endangered and how they're endangered.


    hope this could be helping u

  3. they are hunted a lot and when they breed they dont have many young. some of their habitats and stuff is being taken away so they cant really live as long

  4. The predators like lions are affected by the diminishing of their prey

    And animals lions eat die  because of expanding civilization,especially farming

    and climatic changes and disasters as well as hunting

    So the main factor that threatens Predators is the loss of habitat of their prey.

    In Central Africa lions are hunting humans because the humans have poached all of the Zebras and antelopes.

  5. They are predators. As humans expand over more territory, prey animals get pushed out. Lions that try to switch to eating humans get killed. The rest starve. Kind of a lose-lose situation for them.

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