
Reasons to Have a Baby?

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Hello, I have this unexplainable urge to become a mother. My fiance and I have talked about it, but he doesn't think we should have a child just yet unless I give him logical reasons to have one. We both have been together for almost four years, and engaged for over a year. We are both college students with an apartment; I am majoring in elementary education and he in biology. We aren't the richest of couples, but we do get by with money left over. What I'm asking for is help to come up with reasons to have a baby...we've waited thus far, but it's hard for me to wait any longer as I've wanted to be a mother for years. If you could pose any reasons why having a baby would be a good idea, I will be very thankful.

Also: If you are only going to reply with a "you're not ready," please refrain from doing so and get your 2 points from another question that needs a real answer.

Thank you very much.




  1. If you were my daughter I would advise you to graduate first or at least not deliver until after graduation. My daughter is married was going to college to get her Bachelors in Science/Nursing. She was already a RN just wanting to get her BS. She was pregnant  and only missed one week of school but it was very hard on her. She gradutaed this past May and her Son is 20 months. It was hard  and it took her 8 years to get her bachelors. So, I guess what I am saying is how long until you both graduate? I would make my decision on that plus when is the wedding?

  2. It is not fair to disregard the "your not ready" answers, as you are only fishing for positive ones that will suite you!! It's lovely that you are seriously thinking of a future with your fiance that involve children, but both of you must be 100% certain, you are still studying, finish this first, this will play a big part in your child's future if you are settled 100% first. Keep making plans for a little one, but take your time, set up a fund for "future" baby, then when you decide to go for it you will not be dipping into your current income, this means that you have an aim in the future to extend your family and that you are still doing something about it without actually getting pregnant right this minute.  This is  just a suggestion, I'm not telling you not to have one now, just saying you could make things alot more comfortable if you go about it a slightly different way.  Good luck x*x

  3. 1. You are in a stable marriage

    2. You have completed your education and you have good jobs and no debts.

    3. You have saved enough to support a child and you have good ins. including maternity benefits. It costs $6000. the first year alone.

    4. You live in a good environment for a child. It is clean, safe, and there is room for everyone. You should have your own place.

    Those are just some of the points mature people consider when they plan for a child.

  4. u have to tell him how much it means to u.i mean it's a good time for u right now.u have an education and your married.maybe he just needs to be sat down.he might come around eventually.maybe he is just not ready sumtimes.but he has to know that u will be the one going through all of that stuff during the pregnancy and he has the easy will just be dealing with the mood swings and going to the store late at night to go and get u things u crave.good luck on getting him to understand :-)

  5. hard to explain. but once you have one it gives you a reason to live. it brings you all your happiness and it brings...LOVE

  6. A baby such a bonding experience for 2 people. I had my son when I was 24 and I think that, or around that, is the perfect age. I didn't want to be an old mother :) I say if you're in love and happy then go for it!  If he wants to wait for financial reasons trust me you'll never "have enough" It sounds like your living comfortably so I'd say go for it.  I will say that it will be realllly hard to finish your education with a little bit but if you're determined and have help you can do it!  Are you waiting to get married for any reason? it doesn't matter either way but I'm a little bit of a traditionalist, first comes love, then marriage, then the baby carriage but times have changes since that song :)

    Good Luck & God Bless!

  7. I don't think that you should have to "give him logical reasons to have one."  If this is something you want, he should be willing to work with you on a solution or a compromise.

    It sounds (I'm not saying it is) like he's having you play "Let's Make A Deal" and that's not fair.  Explain how you feel and what it means to you to have a baby and your dream of being a mother.  

    When you love someone, you want to see them happy and you do everything in your power to make that person happy...compromise is key.  

    Good luck and I hope you get your baby soon!

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