
Reasons to become a vegan?

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Im already a vegetarian, but Im thinking about becoming a vegan. Ive tried lots of times before, but I always ended up head first in a bowl of ice cream. Since I cant buy vegan cheese or ice cream or ect (cause Im 14 and my parents cant afford to buy the regular and vegan version of anything. and trust me, theres nooo way I can convert my brother and dad to veganism, I cant even explain to them why Im a vegetarian), I figured getting some more knowledge about why to be vegan would help support me when I crave something. So, got any reasons or tips?

Thankss :]




  1. Health benefits are one of the primary reasons people become vegan. Weight loss, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, less use of medication, avoiding surgery, and feeling and looking great are some of the many health benefits.

    Although many people ask how vegans get the nutrients they need or attempt to prove that animal products are essential, a vegan diet is actually healthier than the alternative. Read more about the essential nutrients vegan receive in a later section.

    Dieting by eating less is the most common form of weight loss in the United States. However, it is not the healthiest. This method can cause anorexia and other malnutrition disorders. But to lose weight you don't have to eat less. You can eat as much as you like of the right foods and not gain weight. Food itself is not what causing weight gain. Animals products contain extremely high amounts of fat that vegetables don't have. By not eating high-fat foods you will lose weight, even if you continue to eat a lot.

    Another major certain for many people is cholesterol. Too much cholesterol can clod your arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes. The good news is only animal products contain cholesterol. Humans naturally also have small amounts of cholesterol. By not eating animal products, your cholesterol level will remain low, limited to the amount already in your body.

    High blood pressure levels will also drop considerably, with just a few weeks of eating the right foods.

    Often doctors give patients medications to "solve" their medical needs. All these medications are is drugs. The natural state for the healthy human body in a drug-free state. Medications generally make you feel better but not really improve the situation. Healthy foods will allow you to become less dependant on medications.

    People who eat high on the food chain, consuming large amounts of meat, dairy products and eggs, are plagued by chronic lifestyle diseases, ranging from cardiovascular deterioration to many types of cancer. A rich body of medical literature links the high quantities of cholesterol, saturated fat and protein found in meat-rich diets to the incidence of these diseases throughout the world.

    Although surgery can fix some problems, it is often only a temporary solution. It is often the patient's diet that caused the problem, so continuing to eat the same, could bring the problem back. Becoming a vegan is a permanent change, that can greatly reduce or eliminate this unnecessary and expensive surgery an unhealthy diet can cause.

    For those concerned about their health, reducing the consumption of animal foods is as essential as quitting smoking or regular exercise.


    30 reasons to become a vegan

    a peta video, but i dont support peta

  3. It's great that you're thinking about going vegan. The fake meats and non-dairy products do make veganism more convenient, but they're not necessary to be healthy. You can get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need by eating a variety of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, and grains.

    Some cheap vegan meal ideas:

    Reasons to go vegan include:


    There's a lot of animal suffering in the egg and dairy industries. The vast majority of egg-laying hens are crammed into wire cages so small that the birds can't even flap their wings. The hens are denied everything that's natural or pleasurable to them, and they're slaughtered when they stop producing so many eggs. Male chicks are useless to the egg industry so they're commonly thrown into grinders while still conscious or suffocated in bags.

    Egg industry:

    Dairy industry:


    Vegan diets are cholesterol-free since cholesterol is only found in animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy.  About 70 percent of the calories in eggs are from fat, and a big portion of that fat is saturated.


    A completely plant-based diet is more efficient than a diet that includes animal products.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  4. There are no reasons to become a vegan unless of course you have food allergies, etc.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  I understand being a vegetarian for the sake of animals or maybe you just don't like meat (comp understandable), but why on earth would you become a vegan when it does nothing for the animals.  They have to be milked anyway, chickens have to lay eggs, it's not like you are hurting them.  

    Plus, it's unhealthy. you aren't getting the nutrients you need and it's almost impossible to supplement, unless you are willing to spend the extra money.  

    don't do it - life is too short - enjoy your ice cream!

  5. Vegan's are just healthier!

    Hey "better than you", go choke on a cheeseburger at McDonalds.

  6. Health Benefits -

    Vitamins and Nutrients -

    Physical Fitness -

    Treatment of Animals -

    There are more reasons such as the environment ;D

    Veganism is very healthy... sometimes milk & dairy isn't always 'healthy' for some people.. Veganism can reduce the amount of colds. It saves more animals, and gives you the right nutrients & vitamins.

    Good luck on becoming vegan! :)

    More reasons why to become a vegan -

    All different religions that support veganism -

    Vegan recipes -

  7. Well, why are you a vegetarian? I'm a vegetarian and am one purely for animal rights purposes.  I want to be a vegan too because animals like chickens and cows are treated cruelly and live in a small cage or pen while they spend their lives giving milk or laying eggs.

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I was struggling with this same question; however, in the end I knew being vegetarian was right for me. I felt very strongly about animal rights, but the dairy cows must be milked. It a process that their body must undergo!How these cows are treated affects their milk too; therefore, they must be treated well. Otherwise, the milk will not pass inspection. The exact same scenario goes for chickens and laying eggs. If the chickens are treated poorly, it can affect their eggs! Going vegan is a personal choice, but it can also be a dangerous one. You are depriving your body of many necessary ingredients that can harm you in the long run. I would say that you should stay vegetarian. You are still doing the right thing by protecting animal rights, but you are also looking out for your physical well-being. If you decide to be vegetarian, I suggest you try Morning Star Farms all veggie products in the frozen foods aisle! If you decide to be vegan, monitor your consumption of the food groups carefully! It can be extremely costly to buy all vegan food! I understand why you may think veganism is better, but in the long run you will be grateful for the protein and nutrients provided through being a vegetarian! It also puts a huge stress of your well-being and money on your parents if you are vegan!

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