
Reasons to become vegan? (i'm 13)?

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Ok, so I've been doing a lot of thinking and I want to try to become vegan. I know it's really hard, but I at least want to try.

The problem is that first off, I'm only 13. I am fairly sure that my parents will oppose to the idea (unfortunately). They will probably lecture me on how expensive it will be (because I won't be able to eat what they eat) and unhealthy I'll be. Like I won't get all my vitamins or calcium or whatever.

My mom's sister is a vegetarian so at least my mom might understand a little bit, but still.

How are some ways that I will be able to convince them?

Is this even a good idea?

I just really need help! : )




  1. What don't you wait a few years until you stop growing, and at 18 you can make your own decisions without your parents permission. You are still need all the nutrients you can get

  2. Why would you want to? You dont get to eat bacon, or chicken, or steak, or pork ribs, or any of the worlds other culinary delights.

  3. I'm fifteen and I've been a vegan for a few years. Make sure you do your homework and sit down with your parents to talk to them about your choice and your reasons for doing it. Also, let them know all the alternatives there are to animal products. Just a final word of advice, don't go straight to veganism; try being a vegetarian for a few weeks first.

  4. Wow, you rule, I'm still working just to stay a vegetarian - and I'm twice your age. Vegan, that's a big challenge!!

    Try to work with your parents as much as possible, atleast agree to take a multivitamin - I think it can be hard to get your diet right after the change. Iron I think can be hard to get if you're not careful, and you'll need that to grow.

    I don't think being vegan will necessarily be more expensive but unless your family cooks twice the meals it will impact everyone's diet - I don't think you could get away with just leaving meat,etc out of your meals, this will be a big change! So please discus this with your parents.

    Be prepared to make compromises, you've got to when you're a kid -  remember every little bit you do counts so don't worry so much if you can't go completely vegan right away - especially if you find a real diet you can stick to.

    Ovo-lacto vegetarian is hard enough to start with(that's what I am now, for I eat milk, egg & cheese) maybe you could try that even if it's not vegan/completely cruelty free - it's less of a change than going completely vegan and might be a good way to transition into the way of eating.

  5. You are too young to make an informed decision on this.

  6. I agree with the above answer!

  7. Don't listen to those people that think being vegan will stunt your growth.

    If your parents are willing to support you. It is up to you if you'd like to try it even if they are against it. It can be much cheaper if you just make food from basic vegan ingredients such as bread, pasta, rice, bean, peas, lentils, fruits and veggies.

    Vegan people need to find a source of B12 because many believe that B12 is the only nutrient that isn't readily available from plants. You'll want to do that just in case they are right.

  8. You are 13, a minor living at home. Your parents decide what's best for you at this stage of your life. If they don't want you to be vegan, then as you said, it's unfortunate. If you want to try to convince them otherwise, then it is incumbent upon you to let them know that:

    1) it is not merely a fad or phase

    2) it is not detrimental to your health

    If you want to them to listen to you, then you have to listen too. If they tell you it's expensive, try to come up with ways to lighten the burden. If they tell you it's unhealthy, try to show facts (not hearsay or propaganda) that says otherwise. Be mature about it and they will treat you accordingly. As I said, they re responsible for your well being and if they are not convinced, then you really don't have too many options.

    Refusing to eat or such childish nonsense will just prove that you are too immature to be left alone with something as important as health.

    PS next time don't announce you are a minor. Your account may be reported as illegal


    vegan books:

    125 best vegan recipes / Maxine Effenson Chuck & Beth Gurney.

      The complete vegan cookbook : over 200 tantalizing recipes, plus plenty of kitchen wisdom for beginners and experienced cooks / Susann Geiskopf-Hadler and Mindy Toomay

      The joy of vegan baking : the compassionate cooks' traditional treats and sinful sweets / Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.

      The Mediterranean vegan kitchen : meat-free, egg-free, dairy-free dishes from the healthiest place under the sun / Donna Klein

      The new vegan : fresh, fabulous, and fun / Janet Hudson

      The new vegan cookbook : innovative vegetarian recipes free of dairy, eggs, and cholesterol / by Lorna Sass ; photographs by Jonelle Weaver.

      Skinny ***** in the kitch : kick-*** recipes for hungry girls who want to stop cooking c**p (and start looking hot!) / by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

      Vegan express / written and illustrated by Nava Atlas


    The vegan gourmet : full flavor & variety with over 120 delicious recipes / Susann Geiskopf-Hadler, Mindy Toomay

      Vegan planet : 400 irresistible recipes with fantastic flavors from home and around the world / Robin Robertson

      The vegan sourcebook / by Joanne Stepaniak ; special nutrition section by Virginia Messina

      Vegan world fusion cuisine : healing recipes and timeless wisdom from our hearts to yours / [Mark Reinfeld, Bo Rinaldi and the chefs of the Blossoming Lotus, with a special foreword by Jane Goodall].

      Veganomicon : the ultimate vegan cookbook / Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero.

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