
Reasons to buy an ITOUCH?!??!?!

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what are some really good reasons to buy an apple itouch???




  1. you get internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and can listen to songs!!!!!!!!!!!1


  2. It's called I-touch.  

  3. well to be honest mine was the best thing i ever spent money on, but I'll give you a few reasons-

    -if you've got wifi access you can access webpages/youtube/itunes from your ipod which makes life alot easier than having to turn a computer on to quickly look something up on the internet or to buy something off itunes

    -the touchscreen is REALLY good and very responsive

    -it's fairly small and cn easily fit into your pocket :)

    -quite alot of memory (depending on the model you get)

    -looks good

    -"cover flow" is pretty good, allows you to look at all your albums

    -is simple and quick to use!

  4. 1. Internet with clear sign of flash coming soon (I am not joking!)

    2. Apps that entertain and help with your work.

    3. Screen great for movies.

    4. Cool touchscreen interface.

    What else do you need?

    P.S. iPod touch can download pictures right from websites! (contact me if u wanna find out how)

  5. The internet is free and it's a cool iPod. The down side is no camera and no phone.

  6. If you buy one now, you get the new firmare/software on it so you can download and buy cool apps (some r free) its an amazing ipod, wifi internet, youtube capabilities.

    U should get one.

  7. on top of what others have said (internet access) and a cool iPod, the applications are pretty cool (games, organizational, etc).

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