
Reasons to go back to public school?

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Okay, well, I'm currently home schooled (going into 8th grade tomorrow), but I REALLY want to try out High School for my freshman year, to see if I like it or not, and if I do, I'll stay, if not, it's back to homeschooling.. What kid is a kid who hasn't experienced at least one year in a public high school, if you catch my drift. :P Anyway, my Mom is a bit reluctant to let me go back to public school I was in public school up until about 5th grade.. Didn't work out, had a bit of drama, and school system targeting (if you know what I mean), but we've moved somewhere more pleasant since then. She's still a bit worried about the same thing happening twice. She's not willing to try it just once more.. I am on the other hand. ANYWAY, can any of you give me some good, credible reasons to allow my mother to let me try a public school one last time? (Just an FYI, I don't really have any 100% true friends right now, so yeah.. I think socializing is gonna be a big main reason, which she's probably gonna ignore, but whatever)

Please respond! I find it very important that I have some reasons to tell to my Mom to allow me to go back to school.




  1. The main goal of school should be getting an education, not socializing.  

    If you don't have any friends right now then why don't you find some activities to join and make friends?  

    You could also get a part time job and meet people there.  My son is just beginning 9th grade.  He has a part time job where he is meeting many people.  He is also involved in youth group, skating, skiing, and tai-kwan-do.  He is meeting people all the time and making friends outside of a public school.  If you want to meet people do something about it, but most importantly study!!!  Your mom wants what is best for you.

  2. Tell her you are sick of her trying to convince you to believe evangelical christian ridiculousness and that you want a girlfriend before you die. Tell her that you appreciate being taught above your grade level but you are having trouble relating to people in real life because you have been sheltered like a prize race pony. And that you want to be able not only to have a good job but to be able to carry on a conversation with someone where you work without them walking away and thinking that you are the weirdest person they have ever talked to. Tell them that you don't want to marry some wierd hippy chick and name your children after Bible characters. Tell them that your goofy homeschooling friends are very smart but have speech impediments and problems with behavior. Tell her that you want to go to a high school dance once in your life and not sit at home with them and talk about the Greek translation of Acts 12:10. Tell her that she needs to cut you some slack a little bit and give you a chance to think for yourself.

    EDIT- Oh well, sorry. No need to be pissed at her. She is doing what she thinks is best. Just remember to keep your own mind in the situation and don't go down the road of evangelical Christianity. Be a Christian, that is great. But use your home schooled skills to stay away from the evangelical route. If you don't understand me now, find out what I mean and believe me you will be better off that you think for yourself.

  3. i think that you are right in wanting to go back to public school, in my opinion kids who go to public school get to experience so much more than kids who are  home schooled. i have a friend who is home schooled and her mom's excuse is that there are to many bad things for kids to experience out there. my view on that is yeah there are bad things out there, but there are so amy good things that kids who don't go to public school never experience or even get the chance too. And yeah at one point somethings probably aren't gonna go your way but learning from your mistakes is part of life and if you don't experience and learn about things like that as a kid then when you get to be an adult and get in one of those situations you won't know  what to do or how to react. Another thing is that my friend who is home-schooled doesn't have very many friends. she's got me and 2 others that she just met this summer at a camp. Like if i want to hang with one of my girls i have a whole list of people to call if one can't come. She's just got me. Well, i hope that helps. when your talking to your mom just remember to keep an open mind but still state your case firmly. Good Luck, best wishes!  

  4. I am going into the 9th grade tomorrow in Cyber School and have never did it before. When I was in 8th grade, I didnt have any problems whatsoever. Sure.. you may have some problems with some of the kids, but just ignore them.  

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