
Reasons why a person wouldn't be allowed to cross the border??

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my bff's bf told me once while he was very drunk that he wasn't allowed to go to the us from Canada can u guys tell me some reasons why he wouldn't be allowed....




  1. lf you have a criminal record they won`t let you over

  2. I miss read your question and think others did too.  I'll take the assumption you mean he was drunk when he told you and not drunk when he tried to cross the border.

    Most likely it is criminal record - the US will refuse people with major criminal records as well as ANY s*x or drug offences.

  3. Crossing the border into another country is a privilege, not a right. The receiving country is allowed to refuse you entry for just about any reason. For example, if they ask you a series of questions, and they feel you are not being truthful with your answers, they have the right to refuse you entry. About the only things they cannot do is discriminate based on race or gender.

    Both US and Canada have the right to refuse entry for people with criminal records, if they have any contagious or infectious diseases, if they do not appear to have the ability to support themselves financially during their trip, if they suspect that the person will not be leaving the country at the designated time or at the expiry of their visa, or if the person is behaving erratically due to emotional or psychological problems.

    To put it plainly, the Customs agents are designed to keep out the "troublemakers" and anyone who may become a burden on the government. It is a lot easier to keep them out when they are trying to come in than it is to get them to leave once they are here.

    You can see some of the requirements at the US Customs and Border Patrol website.

  4. hello, how smart is he? trying to cross the border drunk...

    who would want that coming into their country?

    so I guess some reasons why he wouldn't be allowed is: public drunkenness to start off, and if he has a criminal record they would also not allow him to cross.

  5. 1.  Their name is on the terror watch list.

    2.  They have a criminal record or a warrant for their arrest.

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