
Reasons why there have been changes to speed limits for cars in Great Britain during the last hundred years?

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Reasons why there have been changes to speed limits for cars in Great Britain during the last hundred years?




  1. Most of the UK speed limits we have today were brought in because of the fuel shortage in the 1970's when fuel rationing was to be introduced, fortunately this didn't happen but the speed limits stayed in force anyway.

  2. To reduce the number of deaths caused by people driving too fast.

  3. Simple they make cars that go faster. its up to the person driving wether they break the limits or not. Temptation

  4. I should think a contributory factor would be the increase in the number of cars on the road.  There were very few cars when I was a child in the 1940s and 1950s.  It was certainly safer for children then.

  5. ??????????????

    Speed limits change all the time depending on the road.

    Surely its the same in every country. If a road in the US is changed to a motorway do they keep a 30mph speed limit or change it?

    I'd guess it would change too

  6. Due to deaths and road conditions.............................

  7. to begin with it was to reduce the useage of oil

  8. To annoy people with fast cars.

  9. the speed limit changes for safety and also cars go faster now-- when cars were first invented, they didnt go 65 miles an hour.  They topped out at 30 or so.  

    Speed limits are also set and changed due to the change in the type of road.  A road goes from a residential, to a partitioned 4 lane, to a highway.  That changes the speed limit too.

  10. To slow people down, therefore causing congestion, hence the congestion charge, and the government make 'loads 'a money'...

  11. speed limits are contantly monitored and changed  in the intrest of accident prevention

  12. The Cuban crisis saw the introduction of stringent speed limits.  Plus the issuing of petrol coupons again.

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