
Rebate Check question - re: child support?

by  |  earlier

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I checked the irs website and my b/f qualifies for a rebate check, but he does owe back child support, so we just assumed it would all be going towards that and he wouldnt see any of it. The IRS website says that his check was sent out 6/13 and we have not received any letter saying it was sent or saying if it was taken for back child support. Has anyone else come across this? Shouldnt he have received SOMETHING by now?




  1. the rebate would be offset to his debt.

    Is the address still the same?  He needs to contact IRS if he wants to know if his rebate was offset. (IRS will not give you any information on his account so he needs to call himself)

    Call 1-866-234-2942.

    If he didn't file taxes for 2006 then IRS didn't sent a letter. If he did file then maybe the address was different from 2006 to 2007 filing.

  2. Have your boyfriend call Financial Management Services at 1-800-304-3107 and he can find out if there is a claim on his rebate.

  3. He should receive another letter saying that it was taken for child support.  The letter he got just says how much he's eligible for and when it would be issued.  It's a separate letter that tells you it was offset.

  4. I think the entire amount Will go towards the back cs  My husband has back cs and they took half-for this amount we never received a letter about it best thing to do is call they have a number on the IRS website....when we checked the website it told us a different amount than what was actually deposited

  5. check with the state. i suspect the check went to the state for back child support

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