
Rebel/Confederate Flag?

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Does anyone find the Rebel/Confederate Flag offensive?? If you are African or Native american, do you find it to be more offensive? Why?




  1. At my old school the mascot was a rebel and the Africans (we had like 2) got all mad and we almost had to change it. I don't see why. I don't think it should be offensive to them. More like offensive to their ancestries(sp?).  

  2. i think if it just stands for the south its ok but if people are using it to be racist then its dum. the rebel flag aint even about racism. its just the south, and its dum wen people make a big deal over it.  

  3. i am native american and i don't really find it offensive but my black friends do......i find the rebels that talk about ******* and ingines(sp?) are offensive....i think if its a bout someones heritage then ok but not if u use as some kind of pride or hate its offensive  

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