
Rebellious causes?

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what causes kids to become rebellious?

details where applicapable






  1. in my case war, government, current issues, loss of rights

    thats what fuels my rebellion

  2. For me was because I lived in a neighborhood  where it was the thing to do. the worse you where the cooler. I was also having a very hard time transferring from elementary to middle school and all the "cool kids" were also the kids that were rebellious and into drinking and drugs.There was also a tension between me and my parents. If I would have known all along that I could tell my mother everything and know she wouldn't punish me , yell at me or judge me and that she would just try to help. I would have told her about my problems alot sooner before I was very deep.

  3. Parents not being able to sort out the correct punishment where needed (i don't just mean smacking) as they can literally get into trouble now for anything they do to their child. (Just so you know i do not and neither does my hubby smack our son at all), but i believe some kids/teenagers need some thing more as that is when they become rebellious and way out of hand as they are not punished.

  4. okay here are some reasons

    1. the feel that they have power

    2. they have been shielded all there life

    3. there parents say no to alot of things

    4. there friends are the ones causing it

    5.there under stress.


  5. too many causes but the usual are peer pressure, lack of parental guidance, and the environment which the child grew up in.

    most people go throught the teen angst and rebellion phase but depending on how you handle it, it'll just pass and make the kid more mature.

  6. They are born with it.  Give limitations and stick to them.  Rebellion is usually a stage they go through, they will be rebellious in one thing or another from the get go.  You must keep your cool and as they get older, choose your battles wisely!

  7. Well, it's a mixture of naivety and arrogance.

    I'll quote Robert J. Ringer from his book "Million Dollar Habits":

    The Age of Infinite Wisdom is that blissful period of life during which a person knows *everything*, the unfortunate result being that his mind is pretty much closed to advice. Since he already possesses infinite wisdom, no one— whether it be Socrates or your average parent — can contribute much to his seemingly saturated mental blank.

    Kids think they know it all. They think they know what's just, and fair, and righteous. Therefore they rebel against the things that are "wrong" and "unjust" and "evil".

    When they grow up, they begin to understand how little they actually knew. Well, most of them...

  8. they start to think for themselves and realize all the bull c**p that is going on in the world.

    you know things like being educated for 12 years on stuff they will probably never use again and waking up early to learn it, following rules and never being told why the rules are there in the first place, being taught to keep their minds and mouths shut, parents lied about santa clause etc...

    you know stuff we forget about and/or get accustomed to as we grow out of our adolescent years.
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