
Rebirthing killer out of jail

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the person who kill Candace Newmaker (child adopted from NC foster care) got out of jail recently.. she served 6-7 years of her 16 year sentence...

How do you feel about this?

Attachment therapy is still being sold to adoptive parents as the only cure for adopted children. State and Federal government money pay for it. Heck, even the ATTACh conference is going to be held in North Carolina this year.

It is sad people can't get together and stop it before another child dies. Actually another side effect of attachment therapy is that many children loose their adoptive homes and end up back in foster care because they'd don't become perfect after attachment therapy.




  1. What worries me even more than some quack being released 10 years too early, is the persistence of these attachment therapy centers in Evergreen Colorado.

    Institute for Attachment and Child Development

    Attachment Center at Evergreen

    Evergreen Psychotherapy Center

    Evergreen Consultants in Human Behavior

    Forest Heights Lodge

    The article in the Rocky Mountain News of May 21, 2000 by the title "Evergreen chock-full of therapists", described the scene in the aftermath of Candace Newmaker's death.


    It seems not much has changed ever since.

  2. So an adoptee's life isn't even considered 'murder' when taken by stupid people trying to cash in?

    The biznits needs to go back to jail

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