
Rebuild the World Trade Centers!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Who else agrees that we should rebuild the world trade centers just one story taller to show the terrorists on 9/11 that we cant be broken down and that they have not won.




  1. naahh waste of money and they will try mabe to attack it again

  2. its 7 years and still no lasting memorial , i would personally go see g w bush and b~*tch slap him....

  3. A million and some sperm all swimming to the finish line,..and you, were the fastest swimmer? Amazing!

    Yeah, let's show them, let's build it one story higher, that'll show ' them ',..right? It's that mentality that for those of you that  believe in the Government's version of the events of 9/11 that got us into this whole mess to begin with.

    If you want to start looking for terrorists, I am sure it is safe to assume we should start looking here at home first.

  4. That sounds like a really stupid idea. no offense. They won when Bush started cr*pping on the constitution.

  5. Nice idea, but the site is effectively a mass grave.  It would seem disrespectful to place commercial buildings on top of it.  I say, make it beautiful and inspiring.

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