
Reccomended fish for 10 gallon tank? With frogs? And an algae eater?

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I just got 2 grey clawed frogs and 1 algae eater. They have 3 humongous plants and 1 pirate habitat (that they love so much!) and I was wondering what type of fish would be apropriate for this "undersea" themed aquarium!




  1. First do research about the frogs and see if they eat fish. An algae eater will out-grow your 10 gallon tank fast. They are also aggressive. You might not be able to put a fish in with them.

  2. For a ten gallon, I wouldn't get too many more fish. If it were my tank, I'd get a set of five tetras. Not sure what kind. But make sure you get all five of the same species of tetra so that they will school together. Meaning five neon tetras, or five glowlight tetras, etc. That will look good in the undersea theme.

  3. A 10gal tank is really too small for ANY pleco.

    If you look after a common pleco they should live for 15-20 years and grow to over a foot long. Most people have never seen an adult Pleco, they dont breed untll they are about 12" long.

    If they dont grow to their adult size then you need to consider how you are keeping them. Chances are they are starving to death or being killed by poor water quality.

    My Sailfin pleco is about 6 years old and outgrowing a 50gal tank.


  4. depends what sort of algae eater you have





    i like danios

    edit: please do some research and tell us what sort of algae eater and frog you have

  5. It really depends on the exacty type of frogs and plecos you have.

    The tiny baby plecos you commonly get a pet stores are monsters reaching 18" and if you got an african clawed frog and not an african dwarf frog then they get huge too and will eat any fish you have in with them.

    I say do some research on what fish you have and what fish you want and see if they are compatible and can live comfortable their whole lives in the ten gallon

    Here is a site to get you started :)

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