
Receding gumline fill-in??

by  |  earlier

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i recently asked about a receding gumline i had under a few of my teeth from abrasive brushing.

my dentist covered the exposed area in a chemical to reduce sensitivity but when i expressed some concern that the exposed area might be more susceptible to gum disease or anything like that, he said there would be no need for any sort of fill-in or covering.

sometimes i get foot stuck in the little crescent-shaped crevices, but i usually gargle that out right after i eat. is this potentially very bad?

i know when gumline recession is extreme, a gum gaft is necessary. am i really okay, or should i get a second opinion.

thanks in advance for any answers!




  1. Sounds like the problem is on the tooth, you have brushed away some enamel, and there is a gap.....The gum will not cover it, and cannot be made to.

    The only solution would be to do a small white filling there, and make the tooth smooth again.

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