
Received a cheque from someone off the internet is it legal?

by  |  earlier

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iv had instructions to cash the cheque and take a cut of it,is this what they call money laundering or is it legal




  1. "someone off the internet"? Do you know this person? It sounds highly dodgy to me, just ignore it

  2. Sounds like a scam

    You cash the cheque, keep your cut, forward the rest to wherever, then the cheque bounces.

    You are then liable for the whole amount, don't do it.

  3. Well if You Don't Know Him Then Of Coure You Shouldn't Have Anything To Do With Them They Can Scam You Or Hack You,  Or Worse Ask For Your Adress And Find You NO WAY SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen To Your MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm Not You Mother...)

  4. It could be money laundering or they may be planning on just ripping you off. Either way, it would be a very bad idea to cash the check or send them any money.

  5. This happened to me an no it it absolutely not legal you will be arrested for fraud it is a fake check that they print up and it is a scam!!! Please listen to me Luckily for me the feds stopped the check before I got it and I did not cash it. DON"T CASH THIS CHECK!

  6. If you did not expect this then this sounds a bit funny to me, you don't say what you have to do with the rest of the cash. If they want you to transfer cash from your bank to theirs then it's probably a scam. leave it alone.

  7. Sounds dodgy. Don't have anything to do with it  

  8. This is a SCAM.  Do not cash this cheque as it will not clear.  Do not send them any money as you will never get it back.  SCAM!!

  9. If you have received an unsolicited cheque and been asked to cash, it is certain that you will be involved in money laundering, otherwise known as 'handling stolen goods' and if things go a bit wrong you could be facing a spell in prison!

    Can't make the decision for you, as you may get away with it (but you will have to get away with it for 7 years)

  10. If your bank cashes the fake check, they will back charge you for it.

    There is little or no chance of catching the author of it, so you will have to pay it all back yourself.

    Common 419 Nigerian Scam.

  11.   More than likely it is a scam to get your money.  You write someone a smaller cheque, and too late, you will find out that the big cheque you got bounced.  It's an old internet SCAM looking for a sucker, do you want to be their next mark?

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