
Recent Car Accident, what do I do next?

by  |  earlier

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I got in a car accident in Michigan a few days ago and am wondering what I should do next. I was sitting at a stop light when somebody hit me from behind going maybe 5 mph. My rear bumper was damaged pretty badly and needs to be fixed so the other driver and I exchanged insurance information and called the police to report the accident. The police officer gave the other driver a ticket and he gave me his card with a crash number on the back. I know the repairs for my car shouldn't come out of my pocket or from my insurance company, so what are the next steps i need to take in order to have my car fixed? This is the first time this has happened to me. Thanks.




  1. You will have to file a claim with your insurance company.  Watch out for some of the advice you get on Y! Answers, because Michigan auto insurance is different from most other states.  We are a "no fault" state, so if you have simple PLPD insurance, the best you can do is have your isurance company get a copy of the police report (they will pay for it, if you ask) and have your insurance company file a "Mini Tort" claim.  The most you can get from this claim is $500 and the insurance company will need a few estimates before they can process the claim.  If you have full coverage, then you are only responsible for your deductible.

  2. The other driver is responsible for the repairs.

    Call the 800 # of that insurance and report the accident pronto. They will have a contract body shop where your car can be fixed. An insurance adjuster will have to assess the damage first. Don't wait too long or they can claim you had another accident.

    Good luck!

  3. Contact your insurance company and they will in-turn contact the responsible party's insurance company that will send out their adjuster and if you have any problems you can call your company or just talk with theirs......

  4. This is what you have insurance for.

    Call them and report it.

    They'll find out about it anyway.

    They will take care of it with the other guys insurance.

  5. contact your insurance company they will send an adjuster out & should handle it from there

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