I've already asked a question about this conflict (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20080808173936AAFePLn), but recent developments warrant a new question. Sources are saying that Russia is now attempting to invade Georgia. The attack has been repelled, according to the Georgia government, but Russian armor has attempted to enter Gori. Also, Russia's navy has launched vessels to the Black Sea coast of Georgia from bases in the Ukraine. The Ukraine, also to join NATO, is threatening to not allow the Russian ships to return to these bases. Does it seem as though Russia is seeming less like a peace-keeping force in South Ossetia as time goes on? Do these recent moves on Georgia's coast and the Georgian city of Gori, along with air attacks on oil facilities, airports, military bases, communications and cities in Georgia seem to imply a more aggressive motif on the part of Russia? Also, the Ukraine, also wanting to join NATO, is seeming to take the side of Georgia. Do you think that there is a possibility that Russia may also end of fighting with Ukraine?