
Recent Meat Recall....would you eat meat from downed animals to sick and infected to stand up??

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USDA records show that downed animals afflicted with gangrene, malignant lymphoma, pneumonia, or other serious illnesses have been approved for human consumption by the agency. How can this be?? Why on earth would anyone want to eat meat from an animal that is rittled with cancer and infections?

Would you eat meat from an animal that was deathly ill??

That cant be healthy at all!




  1. No I wouldn't eat that diseased meat. You are what you eat. I don't think I would keep on eating meat in protest to the way they treat these animals. Everyone should protest buying meat for one week and let them lose sales. Hurt them where it counts......In the pockets!

  2. OMG Who wants to eat and infected cow?

    Don't people remeber the MAD COW DESISE incedent?

    HOW STUPID. That how it started, someone eating infected cow, then, BA BOOM!!! Infected.


  3. No,I wouldn't want to but I fear we already have this meat recall is a farce.In two years how much meat have you eaten? And where?It is a way to make you wary of the industry.My question is why all of a sudden?And why hasn't the budget been expanded to monitor the FDA better or hire more inspectors?But we can send billions to other countries in foreign aid.I am not against foreign aid but this country needs to get back on tract and I don't see that happening.The problems just seem to keep coming.No one seems to be adressing anything unless its passing the blame around.

  4. Wow.  I sadly never think about that.  This is very nasty and actually really sad.  My heart is actually breaking right now.

  5. Sadly, anyone who has eaten meat of ANY variety has probably eaten such meat, and this would include infected eggs and pork and poultry.

  6. I would not seek it nor knowingly eat it. With what they are doing to the food today, I am not sure whether you can eat anything that is safe, unless you grow it yourself. The recall was nothing but punishment for the company, most of that meat is gone, I mean what was it 2 years ago they sent it out?

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