
Recent murderers tends to commit suicide after they kill somebody to get out of atonement?

by  |  earlier

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What do u think about it?




  1. I think they were on planning on committing suicide anyway.  They just decided that day would be the perfect opportunity to commit any secret urge/taboo/fantasy they ever had.

    Most of us don't act on those thoughts because of fear of consequences (emotionally, legally, etc.)  If you aren't going to be around to suffer, why should you care?

  2. Could be one reason.

    Could also be because they are not of sound mind and panic, they have realised what they have done and cant deal with the guilt, that was their original plan (I kill you then myself so we can live together in death type thing), copy-cat from previous murders.

    Can be a number of things

  3. No.They do it as programmed.

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