
Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?

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Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?




  1. Because the American educational system is c**p. When I was in high school, they pulled French class to add another gym class.

    They're stupid.

  2. That question probably isn't on the standardized test they all have to pass, so it isn't taught.

  3. Theyre illegal

  4. I think it's important to remember just two years ago, the U.S. ranked 26th overall in education in a global education evaluation.

    Even Oprah Winfrey spoke about it on her TV show in disappointed awe.

    I live in Asia, and have met many, many Americans who know little or nothing about the world....other than America's "enemies"...and even that knowledge is often sadly inaccurate.

  5. I'll go with what Miss North Carolina said when asked a similar question:  "Because, well, you know, like, uh - some people - in my opinion - don't have maps!"

  6. I can believe that.Its not cool to hang maps in your room anymore.It was standard decor when My children were in school.Our whole education system needs to be revamped including some colleges,sorry folks but some education ain't Worth nothing.Even my grands say that.Smart kids.

  7. they are probably drinking or on drugs when they are asked

  8. Mind numbing television eliminates the impulse to read or be educated. Too many just want to be entertained and not informed. And these folks vote!

  9. Teachers' unions treat all members equally so the bad ones continue to teach and the good ones move on to better paying jobs.  Basically, the concentration is one teachers rather then good teaching.  It's really something when home schooled children, even those taught by non-college educated parents, are on avg in the 80th percentile in knowledge testing while public school students are in the 50th percentile.

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