
Recent self esteem issues ....?

by Guest56153  |  earlier

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i've always been a little shy - but i never have had self esteem issues until recently -

its getting really bad - i'm 19 years old and i can't hang out with my friends (unless were drinking) and have a good time because i'm just so self concious - i can't even hold conversations with people i've known for years - because i'm so busy stumbling over the right words and making sure i don't sound stupid...

the only way i can tell people how i feel is by writing it out - otherwise i freeze up and the words are completely gone...

how can i fix this? its really starting to affect my life...




  1. the most important ting is to look at yourself in the mirror and say I'M BEAUTIFUL!! and if you don't think your smart say I'M SMART and if it's cause your not cool say I'M AWESOME! if you begin to say it to yourself you and your self will beleive it. and shut up with that bull$#!^ of caring about what other people think about you. i'm liven out in the country and i get picked on for speakin northern. and yet i would get picked on in the north for speakin southern. so either way it's a lose lose situation. DON'T WORRY BOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!!! it's what u think about yourself that matters. DUH!

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