
Recently, every night when i'm in bed i get a really itchy and sore throat..?

by  |  earlier

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it happens when i sleep in other people's beds as well. anyone know why?




  1. A simple allergy to something. histamines

  2. Allergy for sure.

  3. I had the same problem when my daughter's cats lived with us.  It took 4 hours to vacuum every square inch of my bedroom, but it helped.

    You can take an allergy pill one hour before bed to help you sleep.  I like Zyrtec in the morning and Benedryl at night.  Sometimes, when the weather is "weird", I end up taking three pills instead of two.

    As far as your throat goes, it sounds like your sinus is draining down into your throat.  Take care of that soon, because if too much mucus gets into your lungs, you will get sick with an upper respiratory infection.

  4. Could be a dry throat or an allergy to dust mites due to mattress not being vacumed often enough.

  5. You may have reflux. When you lay down acid may be coming back up and irritating your throat

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