
Recently Got in a Confusing Car Accident! Need Advice on what to do!?

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At an intersection I am at a turning lane and the light is green. I move up into the middle of the intersection to make the turn and I wait for the cars to pass, which are going in the opposite direction. I don't have have a chance to go, light turns red, and im in the middle of the intersection. I make the turn because I can't stay in the middle. As I am making the turn, the light is also red on the traffic on the opposite direction. Someone runs the their red light while I am making the turn on mine, I hit the front of my car against the driver side of his car. We both pull off the road because we were blocking traffic. Cops arrive later and I ask them if there going to write a police report and they tell me they will not being writing one. They write no tickets, and the guy I hit tells the cops he does not have his insurance card on him, but he has insurance. We exchange information and we leave. Today he calls telling me he's filing a claim against me, what should I do?




  1. Same as before with the same question............its your fault because you need to be in complete control of your vehicle and aware of your surroundings at all times.



    If you are in a intersection and can't go anywhere but turn.

    They should allow you to turn(in the real world). People are


    He's gonna say that you ran a red light, this is why you hit him.

    he's wrong.

    File a counter complaint. Suing him for damages. the position

    of the cars will tell the truth.

    Plus. I don't know where you are, but you could at least receive

    a incident report or something from this POLICEMAN this is

    their JOB. It is important to get a report with a credible source

    on your side. Police are officers of the court. What is in that

    report is gold. Don't p**s them off or they will trash you.

    Go to the police station and demand one. And tell them why.

    When you go to court. Have pictures of the intersection. I'm

    assuming that, when you said he ran his "red light" it was

    from straight ahead.

    Did all of the traffic stop? So you assume no one else

    was going to move, then he jumped out of no where.

    This is very very important! Prove that his traffic had stop.

    Get the estimate for your damages. Tell the Judge that

    he did not have his "INSURANCE CARD".

    When you go to the

    police station you tell them that the other driver should have

    been cited for not producing a "Insurance Card" at least.

    And a report should have been written.

    He calls you? What is that?? Are you friends?.....You tell

    him to show his "Proof of Insurance" it sounds like he

    doesn't have any. (you're suppose to show proof) regardless who ever is at fault. And his INSURANCE company is the one

    that is suppose to contact you?....this is important info.

    Your problem as I see it:

    Left hand turns are always wrong. You did a left hand turn.

    Let's face it.

    This is why the statement

    from the other driver to the police should have been given to you.

    But if he has not insurance. You can still win.

    His credibility is what you want to attack , in order to win.

    Don't tell him your strategy, he'll change his story.

  3. A.  you hit HIS DOOR.  congrats..... its your fault.

    B. you hit his door..... end of story,

    If the front of his car hit your car anywhere it would be a different story, but because your front hit his car.... you were last to have a opportunity to stop motion in order to prevent a collision.

    Like I said, sorry.... and be more careful!

  4. You didn't say where you lived, shouldn't really matter. You had right of way to complete your turn. If he ran his red light he was at fault regardless how the vehicles met. He became "at fault" the second he failed to stop. I find it highly suspicious that "he" called you. If anyone was going to file suit it would be his insurance company. (assuming he really does have insurance) I agree with "beyounce" above. Go to the responding police dept and ask for a accident report. Gather all your evidence together supporting your side. Until your called by his insurance company or an attorney. Say nothing to no one. Who's fixing your car? I would be talking to your insurance company to find out if your rates will go up because of this. I would say the cops also didn't do their job, your right in saying that he should have received at least 2 tickets for what your telling us. Failing to yield and no proof of insurance. Maybe he was an off duty civil servant of some type and got a pass from the cop! Don't panic, good luck!!

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