
Recently I'd seen a news report on retired race horses being slaughtered for food, How can this be stopped?

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This report of cruelty, (like any type of cruelty) is Heart breaking, I love animals and hope there is someone out there who knows about this haneous act against the poor horses, If possible, can anyone tell the me and the public how to stop this horriffic crime against our helpless animals, who have already been used up in some capacity of service.




  1. They have started a rescue group and the slaughter has stopped.

  2. HOW can it be stopped ?? Go out and BUY a retiring horse and stable it, feed it, exercise it, and pay the vet bills.  They can then enjoy their retirement until the ravages of age hit them.

    We have had 4 such animals (retired barrel-racers) on our ranch over the last 7 years: Lucy, Ethel, Spot, and Khu. Lucy and Ethel passed on after 2 years due to old age.  It costs about $4,000 a year an animal MINIMUM for food alone... then add the veternarian bills, farrier, and the time in cleaning and grooming.

    However, they are well tempered animals and provide a calming influence on our 4 mares that WORK on the ranch.  I Love those old girls with all my heart.

    However, when an animal reaches a certain age, it is often better to put the animal down with respect and love.  Apparently you are a city-dweller who knows little of how the circle-of-life actually works.  MANY other countries (France included) regularly serve horse on the menu to HUMANS.

    EDIT... OH, and my Sister-in-law is a carcass collector for a Vet... she pointed Lucy and Ethel in our direction before they were put down and has rescued another dozen horses.

  3. They're animals, we're animals, animals are animals, animals eat other animals.  Its nature get over it.

    Just because you don't like the answers you've received doesn't mean they are neither intellegent nor decent.

  4. Cruelty? It's doubtful that there's any cruelty involved.  It's the way things are handled mercifully.

  5. If this is correct i agree100% but would like to see a link before can answer your good question

  6. It's also false! But if it WERE true, you could just look at it as recycling!

  7. People have eaten horses for ten thousand years.  Why should it change now?  How is it different from eating pigs and chickens or cows?

  8. Many animals are slaughtered for food. All over the world. Eat your vegies and try to ignore those of us who love to eat meat. The animals are slaughtered humanely to meet our food needs.

  9. What do you think is in pet food? Other animals.....such as dog, cats and horses and others.

    Read on....

    The Los Angeles Times carried a story by Randy Herschaft in its March 23, 1997 edition that raises the question whether it is lawful for a person who has acquired title to a BLM wild horse by adoption to sell that horse for slaughter.

    The U.S. Department of the Interior takes the position that it is not illegal for the title owner of a BLM horse to sell it for slaughter. Title is obtained after a one year probationary period, during which time the horse cannot be sold or given to another. In 1978, Congress amended the 1971 "Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act" to make adoptions of such animals easier. One provision in the 1978 amendment said that "no wild free-roaming horse or burro or its remains may be sold or transferred for consideration for processing into commercial products." Another provision making it a crime for an adopter to sell such a horse for slaughter was eliminated when the amendment was considered by Congress.

    Since 1978, lawyers at the Department of the Interior have said that criminal sanctions in the wild horse law don't apply to adopted, titled animals because once the animals are adopted and a title is issued, they are no longer "wild" and the law says its criminal penalties only apply to "wild" horses. As a result, the Bureau of Land Management, which runs the $16-million-a-year program, has allowed thousands upon thousands of titled wild horses and burros to be slaughtered.

  10. I don't know where you live but in the US it isn't happening because the do gooders got a law passed to make it illegal to slaughter a horse for any reason.....therefore horses that use to be put down humanly are now being starved, and abandoned because the owners cant afford to feed them or they are no long productive.   there is something to be said on both sides of this question but it is another case of a few people deciding for everyone what is best

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