
Recently bought a shock collar for my dog....Now it acts scared?

by Guest10912  |  earlier

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I have recently bought a shock collar for my mastiff to keep her from running away and jumping up on people. I used it one time today for the first time and it took me the full power before she didn't keep going. I used the tone on it 3 times to warn her and she just looked around and kept going. So i used the shock. She jumped in the air and let out a yipe and came bolting back to the porch. I used the tone once after that im afraid to use the shock again but this time she seemed to associate the tone with shock and stopped. Since then her legs were shaking and she just kinda sits around like she is scared? I hope it isn't nothing serious a matter with her. I did not buy this to harm her just to teach her. Any idea whats going with her?




  1. I personally would never use a shock collar on a dog.  Did you try in on  and shock yourself before you used it?  You might not want to use it on her again.  There are a lot of other ways to teach a dog.  I think you need to find a professional trainer or a the very least take her to an Obedience class, they will have ideas on how to train her without using those kind of methods.

  2. Well, apparently this wasn't the right training method for your dog.  Mastiffs are very sensitive, and that probably will cause her to lose trust in you.

    Now, I would suggest you find a trainer who has experience with giant breeds, specifically mastiffs, and have them help you.

    And return the shock collar - you shouldn't ever use it on her again.

      If you are not able to employ a trainer and work with her in a kind way that works, please contact Mastiff Rescue and have them help you find an experienced home for her.  Mastiffs are big dogs, and if you are not able to train her properly, this will end in tragedy.

  3. I didn't even know they made those things in real life?? It sounds dangerous. My guess is that your pet is very scared now and now has no idea when that's gonna happen again ~_~. Please throw it away and use something else. Forget about the money you paid for it. Please.

    You know, it's silly but the stores really do sell some stuff that our pets shouldn't have. I mean I had three kittens at one time and used a flea collar and I took them to their first visit to the vet and the vet said" cats are not suppose to wear flea collars" You have to take it off! I was in shock. One because there are thousands of flea collars in stores everywhere being sold. She explained to me why they can't wear them and I understood....but I still do not understand why so many are still in stores....ya know?

  4. Many dogs are scared of it. To me the are an easy way of torturing a dog. It's not very humane either. She might just be sensitive so it could be very painful for her. Imagine if you had a shock collar....pretty painful.

    There are a lot of other, more humane ways to train your dog than using a shock collar.  

  5. Unfortunately I don't agree with Rosalie.  I also had to buy a shock collar to keep my coon hounds in line.  I have one that has 15 levels and I put it on like 3 to warn her.  When she feels the tingle, she'll turn around and come back or will quit biting on the other dog.  She also ran and hide under the pickup the first time I had to shock her and I felt terrible. But i'd rather shock her when she's running out in the road than have her get hit by a truck.

    I think you dog has learned what it's for and just use the sound. I think she's caught on already what it does so she'll listen better. Far as jumping up on people, my hound did that too and I've found that just by exercising her more, she has less energy to do that. Plus, as she gets older, she's maturing.

    Good luck and be consistant and patient. That is the main thing.

  6. put that collar  on your self and use it on the full power setting to see what you did to your dog !  I grant that u wont like it but try it then maybe you will know how bad you hurt your dog !  

  7. What kind of selfish jerk are you? Don't you ever use a shock on any animal. Wtf? Yes they do sell them...but MOST sane people would not recommend then...infact they would probably persuade you NOT to use them! God. There's a lot of things that I'll keep my mouth shut about...but shocking your dog? and don't give me that bull about how "you didn't want to harm her you just wanted to teach her" How would you like to have a collar around your neck and have shocks seep into you? How about we try it out? I'd pull the thing to make it work.

  8. If you did the things that you normally did, and got praised for it (even if you tell her off, she still gets praised by the guests probably.) and then suddenly you got a shock, wouldn't you be scared too? Shocks hurt. Don't get a shock collar for your dog. I hate those things! She was shocked, and she goes and hides and probably is afraid to do anything (like walk, because that's another thing that she normally does) that she normally does, because she might get a shock. My advice, get rid of the collar. Would you like it if you were the dog? No.

  9. please read this before you use this collar again,,hopefully you WILL NOT,,,MAY EXPLAIN YOUR DOGS REACTION


    Wales are now banning these collars,hopefully so will a lot more contries,,

  10. She is probably very scared.  She is not sure why that happened yet.  She will likely try not to do anything that she was doing in order to not to be shocked again.  My brothers dog has the same thing, and now he won't go on the grass because of it even though he has a huge area to run around he sticks by the deck.  So they've had to stop using it.

  11. Put this collar around your neck and hit the shock button then lets talk about feeling shocky or maybe just a little nervous.Gee why would this dog feel shaky or nervous?

       You did not read the manuals you did not study the videos that come with shock collars! What where you thinking?Any good shock collar comes with a warning telling you it should only be used in the hands of a experienced handler.You need to really do a lot more studying before you ever ever do this again,The reason she did not know what the sound meant is because she was not trained to respond to it ifyou had read the information provide it would have told you step by step how to do this without causeing harm to your dog.Lets keep our fingers crossed that you did not cause any nerve damage.These collars are wonderful tools in the right hands of an experienced trainer.Please see if you can get your money back and then use that money to get your butt into some training classes>There is a good chance the trainer might be able to tell you what should and should NOT be used on your dog.Good Luck I sure hope she comes out of this with no damage.Tilks Mom

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