
Recently divorced and broke, can I file chap 7 bankrupt even if filed 6 yrs ago. Ex took all.Creditor crazy

by  |  earlier

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I do have custody of 3 children but only get money from social security since ex is 20 older. because of age not ordered to pay child support. i also have to take care of medical benefits which cost me $130 wk. no money left




  1. you should be able to food stamps and welfare I imagine - you'll need money to file Bankrupt and you'll still have to wait until the full 7 yrs is up-change you phone number or have an answering machine answer ALL calls nd don;t talk to the creditors if you are serious about filing for Bk again

  2. I request a copy of your credit report first, before filing anything, the credit report is free and your can even get free advice about your situation. Go to the following URL...

  3. Filing chapter 7 is harder than ever. I do think you might be able to file. The best thing to do is call a bankruptcy attorney's office and see if they'll give you a consultation for free. Most will.

    If you are eligible for the bankruptcy, I say go for it. If not, call each creditor and explain your situation. Figure out how you could pay them (even if just $10 per month) and see if they will set something up with you. Some will be jerks, some won't. But you've already survived worse than they can throw at you and you are strong enough to deal with them. When you talk to the lawyer, ask what creditors are allowed and not allowed to say when talking to you. That way, you know your rights and if a creditor threatens you or violates those rights, you can seek recourse.

    Good luck! :)  

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