
Recently iam one of them the winner of prizemoney $800,000 your team(YAHOO FINANCE)intimated me it's trueornot

by  |  earlier

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if you are giving such prize money $800,000 intimated me it's true or not tell me immediately .if true send me prize money immediately.i furnish all particulars.lastly what they press is to clear the tax amount $400 then only you will get prize money.what iam sying is iam the winner if so please deduct my tax amount on the prize money elae send me my bank account after i receive i will pay tax amount.please guide mefully for processing :shoban




  1. You are the winner of exactly $0. In fact if you  sent $400 you will then only have lost money, the $400 you send. It's spam just delete it, if something sounds too good to be true, then it usually is.

  2. its a scam...they are just after your have to enter a comp to win one just gives money away do they...!!!!

  3. It's a scam dear!

  4. Give me the $400.00 and after you get your $800,000 I will give the $400.00 back to you.

    IT'S A SCAM!!!

    A standard 30% tax on $800,000 would be $240,000 not $400. Scammers get away with scams because people don't take the time to think.

  5. SPAM, delete and forget!

  6. You don't get anything for nothing, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information.

    .Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful.

  7. Clearly someone is trying to get money from you, so just toss the E-mail.  If it's too good to be true, it is!

  8. Congratulation you have spam email.

  9. spam spam bin it man

  10. Sounds legit to me.

  11. i won my 18th bmw this morning aswell

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