
Recently ive just felt different to normal and i dont like it at all.?

by  |  earlier

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right so here it is, I'm 16, in my summer holidays and soon to start college, which I'm 100% looking forward to...

But for some reason i've just felt down lately, i've slept alot more than normal, for me normal being 7-9hours now being almost 12 even 15hours today, but i dont know whats up. i have lots of friends and at anytime can go out and meet up but i just dont feel like it. I dont want to put in any effort i just feel like curling up and staying in bed all day long. Normally I'm not like this but lately i've just changed and I'm not liking it. I just dont know what to do, i don't really feel like talking about it to my parents cause i think they'll just say "yeah its cause you havent been going out" , i can go out, i just really dont feel like it.

Please help i dont like feeling like this, i feel unimportant and am just so bored in myself as a person. This may seem odd, and i feel it, but i just dont know what to do anymore :(.

Please reply, and serious replies please.

Thanks, Cpw.




  1. Threess nothing abnormal about you.

    Our moods change dramatically as teenagers and you are fortunate enough to have such exciting sports to occupy your time.

    I would just let these feelings subside and they will.  Trust me on this one.

    When I was sixteen my life was h**l and I honestly was close to suicidal.

    I survived.  I'm now in my thirties and life is good.

    I was always trying to analyse things and when I realised that this achieved absolutely nothing, I stopped.  Just live in the moment.

    Enjoy these quiet times.  You'll look back in ten years time when you are so busy you can't even scratch yourself and think.... if only I had some time to myself. Well it's happening now honey.. enjoy. smile. relax.  

  2. It sound slike depression to me.  

    The main symptoms of depression consist of sleeping more often, and avoiding things that you once would enjoy i,e. going out with friends.

    sometimes depression isn't necessairly crying and feeling horribly sad all the time, it can manifest in other symptoms also, for instnace, i knew someone with chronic depression who's body would just ache, they slept alot, they just didn't "feel" like doing anything, they didn't know they were depressed per se, they just felt kinda lazy.  

    so I would go to your doctor and just talk to them about it, it may be nothing, or it may be the beginning of depression- in which case you caught it and now can get meds for it!

    hope you feel better!

  3. For me its a tie between depression and boredom. You may not be challenging yourself enough, time goes real slow when you're bored, so perhaps this is why you are sleeping a lot. Try finding and or improving a talent. Sounds like your pretty bright but you need something to stretch you, to make you reach beyond what you thought you were capable of.

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