
Recently my dreams have been coming true, and i have been seeing ghosts. im scared?

by  |  earlier

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so, i have always considered myself kind of pyschic because i have an extremly strong connection to animals and i can communicate with them in a special way. i also read tarot cards and it feels very magic to me. recently i have been having dreams that come true. one dream i had was just about what my mother was wearing that day and what she made for breakfast, which was exactly right on. the other one was about a fight that me and my husband got into, which also came true. ive also been seeing and hearing spirits that talk to me. some of them are animals, kind of rainbowish that come into my room at night, and some of them i can just here, they are ghosts. i think i may be further developing my "phycic ability" but i am confused. i would like to here from any other phycics out there. my email is

please help me out




  1. I think you might be in danger if your messing around with tarot.  I've heard about people who've gotten possesed by doing such things.  Yes, I'm Catholic.

  2. To be honest you should not be dabbling in the occult any at all. Those spirits you can communicate with are demonic creatures and they are deceiving you into thinking they are harmless. I know somebody who was a witch and he started to have a lot of bad dreams and premonitions about people death etc and he got very afraid. He realized that he couldn't control the dreams in any way. His friend invited him to church and he has accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and saviour. The demons that were in him left and the problem of the bad dreams stopped.

  3. [Firetail says] I have the very same things in my life. Just learn to accept them, and enjoy them if you can. The dreams are simply looking through the illusion that is time. The spirits have always been there, but you are just beginning to see them. And the connection to animals is becoming more common. These things are all very useful. Also, tarot cards are a wonderful way to boost psychic ability. My stepbrother uses them, and his predictions are always uncannily accurate. Tarot cards aren't dangerous, but the knowledge they give can be. Now, ouiji boards...those can actually summon less pleasant spirits, if you use them wrong.

    Speak with the spirits, see what they have to say. They may impart wisdom, or they may ask for help. Always do what your intuition tells you. And if they want you to, you can become a host for a spirit, so that they live within you. You become their anchor to this world. This is not dangerous, and they can only search through your mind and thoughts if you let them. I have been an anchor for two so far. One is still with me. She is a fox spirit, named Dampfur. (She asked me to make her an email address so she could speak through me to people around the world.]

    [Dampfur says] Not all spirits are good. Some will hurt you. Over time you will learn how to tell the difference. And if you have a spirit living within you...*shoots a meaningful look at Firetail*...try not to forget its there. Its rather frustrating when we are neglected by our hosts.

  4. Do the animals speak to you in English like humans?  Please respond to this.

  5. i really don't know what to say, but that is amazing, I would be happy with the gift if I were you.

  6. You're clairvoyant. It is a special gift. Everyone has psychic potential in them, but you seem to be more clairvoyant. You have the ability to connect with the dead. Don't be afraid, it's just a gift. These kind of people often make a career out of their ability in ghost research and connect w/ the ghosts.

    u can email through via in my Y/A profile, if you want me to give you some tips on how to make your psychic potential stronger and your abilities more aware. I will reply fast to your email. Take care x

  7. Psychic abilities are like muscles the more you exercise them the stronger they become.  I read tarot cards, travel astrally and sometimes talk to spirits.  I am more of a feeler than a seer, so I feel the spirits.  My spirit guides talk to me so I understand what you are saying about hearing the spirits.  I have heard my guides since I was seven so I'm used to it now.  I actually enjoy getting heads up messages from them that in many small ways makes my life better.  About ghosts they have to listen to you so if you get frightened tell them to go away and give them a little energetic push, that is a push with your energy not your hands.  Don't worry about the Tarot bring bad spirits that's hogwash.  Talking with animals is a special gift, I talk to plants too and I'm starting to try to connect with stones.  Everything has special gifts we can learn from and listening is key.  Having access to other entities besides humans is a very special gift.  If you can make contact with your spirit allies, spirit guides or guardian angel, or whatever you want to call them they can help you make the connection clear and give you advice when you find something confusing or frightening.  Reach for the highest vibration when reaching out to find your guides.  I hope some of what I've said help you email me if you have something more you want to ask.  I've been counseling for many years and have seen and learned a lot.  Blessed  be.

  8. Embrace your gift and don't be afraid...Don't mix good with bad here...You do Tarot cards? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...You connect with animals? Wow! Please be very careful with the Tarot Cards though...You don't want any negative spirits around you; If you don't know what your doing. I have visions and dreams...Like, Precognition...I pray, read my bible, and talk to God; To feed my gift. I don't know where your gift came from; So, I can't say...??? Just be careful with the cards though...

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