
Recently on my compound bow i have noticed the fletchings keep ripping and the arrow flight is horrible???????

by  |  earlier

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What can i do to stop this and pls don't say go to a pro shop to tune ur bow I WANT TO KNOW WHAT I CAN DO AT HOME! Thanks for helping i also got new arrows which could add to the problem




  1. Unless you've got the tools, you need to take your bow to a professional and get it tuned.  Everything is out of whack!!!!!

    You would be one very lucky person to do a tune yourself.

    The amount of time and money you would spend to buy the tools you need would far outweigh having someone who knows what they are doing take care of the bow for you.

  2. Your fletching is making contact with your arrow rest- see which one is doing it- the problem may be the nock on your new arrows is not turned correctly for the fletching to clear the rest-after you see which fletching is making contact- it will be the same fletching on each arrow if that is the problem- you need to put the nock on the string and turn the arrow enough so the fletching will clear the rest- usually it will only take a minor adjustment to correct the problem. Good luck!

  3. First check your nock point.

    Is the arrow square to the string.

    Then check that your arrow rest hasn't shifted.

    Third, are your "new arrows" properly 'splined for your bow?

    Is the problem only with the new arrows?

    They might be the wrong ones.

    If those things check out, we'd have to see the bow to offer further advice anyway.

    Go to a 'Pro', ... and have him explain what he's doing.

  4. You can spend hours of frustrating work, and ruin your bow.


    Have a proffessional do it while you sit at home.

    What to do???

  5. There are a few things you can do at home. Check your knocks to see if they are holding your arrow on the string correctly. Make sure that when you look at the arrow on the string it looks like the fletching will clear the cables and rest. One way to know for sure that is happening is to but a can of foot powder and spray it on your rest and cables. You will be able to see exactly where the flecthing has come in contact with anything it hits... you will have to look close at the cables though. Sounds odd but it works well. If you dont see any contact you need to make sure you have the correct arrows. Look at your cams from one end of your bow. Hold the bow by one of the cams or wheels and look down the string. If you can tell that one of the wheels or cams is not PERFECTLY sraight then one of you cable yolks has either broken or stretched. If it broke it will be obvious. If you have a bow press you can twist the cable to the correct length again by trial and error. If you dont know this stuff I would really recomend that you go see somebody and have them help you do it. Just because you take the bow to them dosent mean that you cant work on it. Most shop guys would be happy to teach you a few things. Good luck

  6. You could try turning the nock on your arrows a little at a time to get the proper clearance between the fletching and the rest. Depending on what type of arrow rest you have, you might also be able to adjust the rest in order to achieve the necessary clearance.

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