
Recently passed my test, but I hate driving...does it get better?

by Guest56595  |  earlier

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I recently passed my driving test (what a relief) and I have gone out driving a few times but never really liked the experience. I'm asking the more experienced, have you ever gone through this and will I learn to actually like driving?

Tommorow I'm gonna be driving on my own a bit far away (like 40mins) and I'm a little scared.




  1. first question is do you live in NYC or LA because if i lived there i would hate driving to. i love driving i made it my job over the road truck driver.

  2. nope

  3. Always watch the other driver.

    Always have an escape, if there is a vehicle coming at you, have a clear path to get out of it's way.

    Always know where all other vehicles around you, makes escape plan easier.

  4. yes it does get better, right now you are to worried about what people are thinking about the way that you are driveing . just go slow at your own speed and watch out for your signs and as time gos, it will all be auto in place for you. and you will be jamming out to your songs and really relaxeing with the freedom on the road//no speeding and make sure you have insurance..

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